Mold Removal

Mold Removal Services

The cost, time, and effort that is required to complete a mold and mildew remediation job would depend on several variances. The location of the affected moldy area is a major consideration. For example if the area is more difficult to get into and remediate, then the time will need to be extended to complete the job successfully. If there is severe damage due to any water issues then there probably will be a lot of tear out and replacement, then of course there is more time required to complete this type of job. Our fees are always very competitive with the industry standard. With so many variances in each situation it is hard to compare pricing. That is why our customers trust us with our long history of fair and honest treatment for all of our customers. We want our customers to get the fairest deal we can give them.


There are several types of molds that are most common in the area. Black mold is one of the more common and toxic types. With a greenish – black color this black mold is known as Stachybotrys and can be deadly. Without a professional handling black mold remediation could cause serious health issues. In removing this mold during the drying out process if not removed completely there is a danger that it can be aerosolized. This means it can be air borne and breathed in easier. This is why homes and buildings are evacuated while mold remediation is in process. Our trained techs wear all the safety equipment to keep the mold spores at bay to allow them to continue the removal and clean up in a healthy manner.

Here are a few general questions regarding Mold Removal that we are asked frequently:

Water or moisture must be present in order for mold to grow and thrive.

No, if you have humidity of over 60% in your home or business, certain structure will absorb the moisture and spur mold growth.

Since bleach is water based it will aggravate the situation even more. If all the mold or mildew is not completely eradicated then the bleach will actually help the mold to thrive and grow.

Yes, there is a lot of helpful hints and shows that tell you to just clean up with bleach. For very small areas that are not absorbent where the bleach is not soaking into the material, then a quick clean-up with bleach would work. This is considered cleaning and not mold remediation; there is a big difference between these two. Always consult a professional in the mold remediation field for a more informed direction.

The three main areas of a home that usually requires mold remediation and are the most vulnerable would be the attic, basement, and the walls. The attic if not well ventilated and can end up with a mold issue. Most people will not know they have a mold problem unless they find items stored up there that have mold or mildew on them. The other option is through an inspection of the home, this will uncover if mold or mildew is in the attic area. A simple inspection by us will set your mind at ease. The basement of a home or business is the most susceptible due to the fact of being located in the ground. Moisture is impossible to avoid in the basement due to the fact of high humidity. Some basements require a dehumidifier to help keep most of the moisture at bay. However, there is no way to keep all the moisture contained, so a random inspection would be the best protection for your home or business. Your walls are your barrier to the outside, so if not maintained the barrier could be broken and allow too much moisture into the room. This type of mold and mildew will not usually be seen until it is very active inside of the wall before you see any trace on the wall itself

Mold and mildew removal is not something to mess around with. For your health and your families or employees call the professionals to handle this very serious problem. Mold is not easy to remediate for the average person without the training and knowledge to handle in a safe manner. We utilize all the safety equipment and products needed to complete this job to our customer’s satisfaction. The Mold Removal Specialists remove the threat of mold completely from your home or business.

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